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Nuuly’s Got a Brand New Bag

We’ve got some exciting news worth using your James Brown singing voice for: new Nuuly bags. That’s right, the tote got a facelift—you might have even seen the new design up close and personal already.

Back when Nuuly was just a twinkle in our collective mind’s eye, we knew that any clothing rental service we provided would need to be eco-friendly. That meant no no no N-O single-use plastic wrapping our garments. We weren’t interested in adding any landfill fillers to the mix, so we designed our way around it. The Nuuly bag was born: a reusable tote made from recycled plastic that could hold anything a renter’s heart desired.

Less Plastic + Breakage

We’re not knocking the OG bag, but as with any good thing in life, there’s room for improvement. We made some swaps that make life a little better. Instead of sliding a return label into the bag's front pocket, we kept the space open as a flat panel to adhere your sticker to. It’s a small change, but cuts down even further on the plastic in our design. We also improved the reusable bag’s shelf life—adjusting the paneling and zippers to prevent the bag from breaking in use.

A Zippered Pocket

Now, each return label is slipped inside a zippered pouch located on the inside of the bag’s soft top. It might seem like a minor change, now there’s no more digging or searching for the label when return time comes. Safely sealed away, you won’t be caught wondering where you stuck that very important UPS sticker 4 whole weeks ago. Light panic attack: averted.

A Hidden Glow

For Bag 2.0, we reversed the design—sleek and dark on the outside, bright and textured on the inside. While the new design may seem unassuming to the unfamiliar eye, we snuck in a design trick for those in the know: shine your phone flashlight over the outside of the new bag to light up a hidden exterior design. It’s quite literally the flashiest thing that’s ever happened to a recycled plastic tote bag, and we can’t wait for you to see it.